WADA welcomes additional USD 70,000 contribution from Denmark – AthleticsAfrica
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WADA welcomes additional USD 70,000 contribution from Denmark

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) today welcomes an additional contribution of USD 70,000 from the Government of Denmark, which is to be dedicated towards the Agency’s World Anti-Doping Code Compliance Monitoring Program activities.

WADA - Say No To Doping Campaign.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) today welcomes an additional contribution of USD 70,000 from the Government of Denmark, which is to be dedicated towards the Agency’s World Anti-Doping Code Compliance Monitoring Program activities.

The contribution is additional to Denmark’s 2018 annual contribution of USD 104,035.

WADA President Sir Craig Reedie said: “WADA is grateful to the Government of Denmark for supporting the anti-doping fight in this way.

“This generous contribution, which reflects Denmark’s partnership and ongoing commitment to the protection of clean athletes worldwide, will be put to good use towards the Agency’s enhanced Compliance Monitoring Programme activities.

“The programme, which represents the most thorough review of anti-doping rules and programs that has ever taken place, aims to reinforce athlete and public confidence in the standard of Anti-Doping Organizations’ work worldwide.”

Denmark’s Minister for Culture Mette Bock said: “Denmark has high ambitions in the global fight against doping. It is therefore with great pleasure that I can confirm an extraordinary contribution of USD 70,000 to WADA’s expanded work in compliance.

“This area is key to ensuring a strong and harmonious anti-doping system across all sports and all countries and thereby ensuring a level playing field for athletes globally. Denmark particularly welcomes the new International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS), which will hold signatories to similar high standards as athletes are under the Code.

“I would like to thank WADA for its efforts in the battle against doping in sport and reaffirm our commitment to working collaboratively with the Agency to secure athletes’ confidence and trust in the anti-doping program.”

In 2016, WADA initiated development of the ISO9001:2015 certified Code Compliance Monitoring Program that was expanded in 2017.

The programme includes a self-assessment Code Compliance Questionnaire; in-person audits conducted by WADA and external anti-doping experts; intelligence collected via WADA’s Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) and investigations; and the new International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS), which will take effect on 1 April 2018.

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